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"From 2024, the CSRD will provide a more demanding regulatory framework for planning, reporting and monitoring ESG performance. With the affirmation of the principle of double materiality (financial, impacts), the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive calls on companies to assume greater responsibility and requires the production of extended information covering CSR strategy, its implementation and the measurement of overall performance (financial, social and environmental), with the obligation to communicate and publish non-financial information at the same level of quality and relevance as financial information. In order to meet their social and environmental objectives, companies need to develop their management dialogue, reporting and performance management systems, in order to drive forward their operations and account for their results. We can help you define your indicators, and implement the management processes and technological solutions that will enable you to effectively transform your business model and meet the challenges of the sustainable transition.
Alignment of CSR strategy and ESG reporting
Industrialisation of reporting and global performance dashboards
Assistance with the preparation and production of GHG and resource balances
Steering action plans and budgets for sustainable transformation